This article is an indicator of the patient and dentist, too, as the dental field requires the development of some qualities in the personality of the dentist, as well as felt by the patient knows that he is in the hands of a dentist or skilled skillful dentist.
The most important of these qualities is good behavior during the process, especially in the implantation of teeth .. A doctor who enters the process of dental implants and does not behave well will feel that it has been out of control and thus harm the safety of the patient, and therefore should every doctor wants to specialize in dental implants to be We have a good scientific knowledge of this area as well as excellence in it through the practice of dental implants. For example, Dr. Nour El Din Center does not bring any dental implants unless it has a good experience. We have doctors at the Dr. Nour El Din Center with an experience of planting 10 Thousands of teeth implants .. giving an impression of how efficient Doctor in performing such sensitive processes.
Also, the characteristics of the dentist such as the characteristics of the pilot, the good pilot is not the one who reaches the passenger to the place of destination, that is the pilot is normal, but the pilot is a skilled passenger to arrive at the intended destination under difficult weather and turbulent .. This is what must be a doctor Teeth whitening is a good result in any dental process in light of the medical complications that you may encounter in some cases ..